Public Relations
Our Public Relations Expert, Amanda Orr, has the experience, professionalism, savvy, and media contacts that very few in her field can provide. Amanda will make sure you and your firm are present in the media outlets and legal and trade publications your audience respects. In doing so, you will grow your influence exponentially. She has worked on the following for our legal and political campaign clients:
- Public relations campaigns to include media appearances, mentions, inclusion in respected publication, email campaigns, and social media campaigns
- Crisis management and consulting
- Media relations and communications
- Communications Consulting including preparation and strategy for interviews and media appearances
Would Your Law Firm Benefit from Social Media?
When deciding how best to market your firm, social media may seem like a low priority. The thought of sending tweets, likes,
shares, and coming up with worthwhile posts can feel overwhelming. The time involved may cause you to ignore social media
for your firm. That is a huge mistake!
Why Should Lawyers Utilize Social Media Marketing?
Networking on social media outlets, like LinkedIn or Facebook, provides exposure to a large definable audience. Your potential
clients are on social media every day and so is your competition.
FACT: Social media will get you new clients.
According to Thomson Reuters’ 2021 survey of legal consumers, one out of every five respondents who went online to research
attorneys consulted social media platforms. Social media provides legal consumers with a concept of who they might be working
with. They want to know more about you personally before they call for a consultation. Statistics are even better for
small law firms; with 42% reporting they gain new clients through social media marketing.
The team at Strategic Alliance Marketing works with lawyers every day to build their social media presence. Let us do the work for you.
Please call today at (346) 267-7619 to set up your free initial consultation.